Behandling af præstationsangst og lavt selvværd ... En tidligere klient anbefaler (engelsk):
"I’m a Norwegian 5th year psychology student, who went to Berit, first and foremost because she spoke English and had experiences with expats. I wanted to resolve issues of anxiety in both performance and social situations, as well as intense feelings of loneliness and confusion around my self-worth.
The work over these 10 months with Berit has been really good.By her using both theoretical knowledge, various experiences and metaphors, as well as the honesty of saying how shit life can be, I felt safe in my sessions with her, and I felt able to work on my issues and develop myself further. Her ability to show a deep level of understanding and support has been vital in my time with her.
She helped me open my eyes more to who I was, in regard to my values, and how far I had gotten. I distinctively remember believing that I had gotten so far before meeting Berit (as a psychology student should, I thought), and while I have, within two sessions with Berit I also realised there were sides I had simply neglected. And she helped me with both seeing those sides, as well as how to deal with them. She is caring, compassionate, funny and skilled, both as a human and as a psychologist.
I highly recommend her to anyone looking for help on mental health issues!"
"Anders", Norwegian psychology student after treatment for performance anxiety, social anxiety, and low self-worth